Sponsorship Opportunities
We have three excellent opportunities for you to support our organization:
Become a friend of Swing Shift with a donation ranging from $25 to $2500+:
Count's club ($2,500+)
Ellington's Circle ($1,000)
Thad's Village ($500)
Kenton Klub ($250)
Tonight Show Team ($100)
Chart Sponsor ($75 and you specify the chart!
Chair Sponsor ($50) and you specify the chair!
Big Band Friend ($25)
Become a Program Advertiser (rates per concert):
Full-page ($125)
Half-page ($75)
Quarter-page ($50)
Business Card ($35)
Become one of our AMAZING sponsors:
Season Sponsor ($3,000)
Listed in the lobby as a Season Sponsor on all SSJO Wildish performances
Eight complimentary tickets to each Wildish performance
Mention from the stage as a Season Sponsor
Acknowledgment as a Season Sponsor in our concert program
Artist Sponsor ($1,500)
Listed in the lobby as an Artist Sponsor at all SSJO Wildish performances
Six complimentary tickets to the guest artist concert
Mention from the stage as the Artist Sponsor for that performance
Acknowledgment and free 1/2 page ad as the Artist Sponsor in our concert program
Library Sponsor ($1,000)
Listed in the lobby as Library Sponsor at all SSJO Wildish performances
Four complimentary tickets to each Wildish performance
Mention from the stage as Library Sponsor
Acknowledgment as a Library Sponsor in the concert program
Concert Sponsor ($750)
Four complimentary tickets to the concert
Mention from the stage as our Concert Sponsor for that performance
Acknowledgment and free 1/2 page ad as our Concert Sponsor.